Sunday, September 12, 2010

Start at the Beginning...

I've come to love blogging; hearing other people's stories in their own words, discovering new things (recipes, ideas), feeling solidarity in others trials and triumphs. Like Julie Powell I am a disgruntled government drone with zero outlet for creativity during the day, but I am certainly no "renegade foodie at night."  I'm a girl with some interests. I like to keep my home fresh and inviting, I love to cook for my honey and I love that he loves how I take care of him. I've always been a writer but for some reason over the past few years I have surpressed that tendancy (see: no outlet.) So I've decided to throw my hat into the ring and give this thing a try. This blog will mainly center around my love of making seasonal food and recipes with a few fun extras thrown in there. So I hope you enjoy & Bon Appetit!

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