Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Chocolate Mint Bars

I remember the day I received the March 2008 edition of Cooking Light.  I pulled the mail out of the mailbox and the magazine fell onto the porch, cover facing up.  I stared. I slowly picked the magazine up and stared some more.  I could make those? I could make those! I could! Yes!! I could!!! But they seemed so perfect that I just continued to stare at the cover for a few more months.  I eventually made them in August (August! Of all the HOT months to be baking in my tiny 2nd floor apartment!!) for a friend's 30th birthday.  I wasn't able to make it out that night, but I sent my Hubby2B with a big tupperware container to disperse among the party.

He came back with rave reviews. "Everyone loved them!", "They want you to make them again!!", "Eric stole the box and ate all of them! I didn't have any!!" (real mature, guys.)  So I made them a couple more times soon after, then forgot about them...

...that is until my Hubby2B's 29th birthday rolled around this year.  Last year I made him a chocolate layer cake, the year before that a (requested) dutch apple pie. Before that, I don't even remember. What to do this year?  So I went with an oldie but goodie, Chocolate Mint Bars.  The cover of the magazine still flutters my skirt and makes me sigh happily. 

The only thing is, I always cheat on these bars (!)  Included in the original recipe is a brownie mix "from scratch".  Now I love doing everything from scratch but I always hesitate when it comes to brownies.  I have had sooooo many bad brownies.  I like a moist, chewy, chocolate chip brownie - none of this "cakelike" brownie business.  And every time I make these Chocolate Mint Bars it is someones birthday or special occasion and I really don't want to mess up on the brownie part - it is so essential! So... I... use a... triplechocolatechipbrowniemix!! (gasp!) There. I said it. Whatevs - it guarantees a good brownie when you're in no mood to fool around.  I will include the original recipe but seriously, use the box mix if you want.

Suggestion: you MUST let the brownies cool thoroughly before adding the mint layer.  Once you add the mint layer, put them in the fridge for an hour or so to slightly harden - it is then easier to apply the chocolate layer on top.  Once you finish mixing up the chocolate layer, definitely make sure you wait a few minutes to let the chocolate cool before you add on top of the mint - this is so the two layers don't combine.  Just don't wait any longer than a few minutes or else the chocolate will be too hard to spread.  Once the chocolate is on top, put those bad boys back in the fridge and let them harden up.  To serve: I actually recommend letting them sit out for 30 minutes or so.  I notice when you eat them straight out of the fridge you can tell the layers apart a little too well; it's like eating a sandwich.  When you leave the bars out a little while, the layers all meld together in your mouth creating a combined delicious experience.

Alright, enough of this tawkin', let's get on with it.

Chocolate Mint Bars
By Cooking Light

Bottom layer: (I cheated and used a triple chocolate chunk brownie mix. It was de-licious!)
  • 1  cup  all-purpose flour (about 4 1/2 ounces)
  • 1/2  teaspoon  salt
  • 1  cup  granulated sugar
  • 1/2  cup  egg substitute
  • 1/4  cup  butter, melted
  • 2  tablespoons  water
  • 1  teaspoon  vanilla extract
  • 2  large eggs, beaten
  • 1  (16-ounce) can chocolate syrup
  • Cooking spray

Mint layer:
  • 2  cups  powdered sugar
  • 1/4  cup  butter, melted
  • 2  tablespoons  fat-free milk
  • 1/2  teaspoon  peppermint extract
  • 2  drops green food coloring

  • 3/4  cup  semisweet chocolate chips (I bumped it up to 1c.- I like a thick chocolately layer.)
  • 3  tablespoons  butter (so I had to proportionally bump this up to 4 tbsp.)
1.Preheat oven to 350°.
2.To prepare bottom layer, lightly spoon flour into a dry measuring cup; level with a knife. Combine flour and salt; stir with a whisk. Combine granulated sugar, egg substitute, 1/4 cup melted butter, 2 tablespoons water, vanilla, eggs, and chocolate syrup in a medium bowl; stir until smooth. Add flour mixture to chocolate mixture, stirring until blended. Pour batter into a 13 x 9–inch baking pan coated with cooking spray. Bake at 350° for 23 minutes or until a wooden pick inserted in center comes out almost clean. Cool completely in pan on a wire rack.
3.To prepare mint layer, combine powdered sugar, 1/4 cup melted butter, and next 3 ingredients (through food coloring) in a medium bowl; beat with a mixer until smooth. Spread mint mixture over cooled cake.
4.To prepare the glaze, combine the chocolate chips and 3 tablespoons butter in a medium microwave-safe bowl. Microwave at HIGH 1 minute or until melted, stirring after 30 seconds. Let stand 2 minutes. Spread chocolate mixture evenly over top. Cover and refrigerate until ready to serve. Cut into 20 pieces.

Cooking Light, March 2008

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