Monday, September 13, 2010

Harvest at DePiero's

One of my favorite times of year is when the abundance of fall harvest arrives at farm stands and supermarkets.  It's usually coupled with back to school time and for me, its a time of new beginnings and breaths of fresh air.  I think it's appropriate that Rosh Hashanah also shows up this time of year, it really is a New Year.

On Friday I met a friend for lunch at DePiero's Farm and thought I'd pick-up a few things for the weekly shopping trip.  I've moved my shopping day to Fridays which allows me to cook fabulous things all weekend.  I put on my anthropologie apron, kick up my heel and *cling* I'm ready to go!

After lunch I didn't have nearly enough time to peruse all the goodies so I came back later after work.  I pulled up a shopping cart, dropped my purse in the front seat and slowly walked towards the produce, fingers lingering on the end of summer beauties all laid out before me. I picked up: a basket of roma tomatoes, a large basket of macintosh apples, parsley, spinach, two striped eggplant, three red peppers, four huge peaches, five onion rolls and assorted treats from the bakery.  (Including a burnt cider donut. How do you burn a cider donut? Why I am compelled to eat all cider donuts despite the fact that some may taste rather burnt?)

(Sorry for the blurry shot. See? I wasn't driving. Just fumbling to get a shot at a stoplight.)

On my way out I again lingered by cartons and cartons filled with all sorts of beautiful pumpkins, gourds and indian corn.  Signs pointed towards haystacks nearby.  Of course I really wanted a big huge helping of mums which was no where to be seen.  No bother, I'd come back again soon.

Yay for Fall. I am so happy to see you.

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